Installing Bottleneck

As bottleneck aims to provide high-performance, optimized numerical functions to all users, it is distributed as a source package (except via Anaconda) so that local compilers can perform the relevant optimizations. Accordingly, installation may take some additional steps compared to packages like numpy.


If you wish to avoid additional steps, we recommend using Anaconda or Miniconda. A pre-compiled version of bottleneck is installed by default. Users looking for optimal performance may benefit from uninstalling the pre-compiled version and following the steps below.

Build dependencies

Debian & Ubuntu

The following build packages must be installed prior to installing bottleneck:

sudo apt install gcc python3-dev

The Python development headers can be excluded if using Anaconda.

RHEL, Fedora & CentOS

sudo yum install gcc python3-devel


The Python Wiki maintains detailed instructions on which Visual Studio version to install here:

pip & setuptools

bottleneck leverages PEP 517 and thus we generally recommend updating pip and setuptools before installing to leverage recent improvements.

With Anaconda:

conda update setuptools pip

And with pip:

pip install --upgrade setuptools pip


Finally, simply install with:

pip install bottleneck

If you encounter any errors, please open an issue on our GitHub page: